
Projects that emphasize sustainable development, making the most of local agricultural potential, so as to enable communities to live off the land while respecting the environment, improving living conditions and producing healthy food. Examples of projects include community gardens, raising livestock, irrigation systems, the establishment of nurseries, the purchase of equipment, etc.



Projects that aim to pass on wisdom and knowledge, especially to young people and in a school setting. Projects could include trainings for teachers, parents or students, the purchase of IT equipment and the renovations of educational establishments, amongst others.


Empowerment of women

Projects that enhance women’s economic and social participation within their families and communities, their awareness and the exercise of their fundamental human rights (in health, education, etc.), and their leadership and capacity to influence decisions that will directly impact them, in order to escape the spiral of poverty and exclusion.



Projects aimed at addressing fundamental needs, improving the quality of life of the area and emphasizing the prevention of illnesses. Projects could include the shipment of containers with medical supplies, the purchase of medical supplies (medication, equipment, etc.) installation of laboratories and health awareness campaigns and training (improvement in care, preventative measures, etc.).


Income generating activities

Initiatives that are focused on technical training to increase employability and on entrepreneurial skills to start small businesses (family or collective), as well as on the development of small installations and supplying the equipment and materials needed for these activities. The goal is to strengthen the livelihoods of vulnerable populations, most notably women and youth.


Pastoral activities

Projects that respond to the spiritual and interior needs of vulnerable and marginalized groups with an emphasis on accompaniment, and with a perspective on social justice and human dignity. Projects may include trainings for pastoral animators, the purchase of equipment and renovations of religious and community spaces that encourage human development and inclusion.


Resilience to climate change

Initiatives that will enhance communities’ resilience to the impacts of climate change, for instance through awareness and training, adaptation measures, the installation of infrastructure and equipment for producing alternative and renewable energies, and activities that seek to protect and restore the environment.


Water and Sanitation

Projects aimed at improving the sanitation and access to clean water of communities. These can include the installation of water capture and supply systems such as wells, pumps and reservoirs, and sanitation infrastructure such as latrines and had washing stations. Awareness campaigns and trainings are also included within this sector.


Training, infrastructure and emergencies

Training and infrastructure are important sub-sectors of each area of action. The Roncalli International Foundation also supports projects that respond to emergency situations. We support projects that assist the most vulnerable and isolated communities in recovering from catastrophes such as the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, or the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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