Published on
8 April 2024

Kenya is currently grappling with a challenging economic situation characterized by soaring inflation and an unemployment rate that has doubled. More worrisome is that 65% of the Kenyan population is comprised of young people and children, with 36% of this population living below the poverty line. The youth unemployment rate, standing at an alarming 13% according to World Bank data, is a pressing issue. Nairobi, the capital, is home to nearly 5 million people, including over 2 million young individuals deprived of employment and denied the opportunity to fulfill their potential and build a better life.

In the midst of this crisis, the creativity of the country’s youth represents a glimmer of hope. Many young people in Nairobi have a passion for making music and videos, but there is a lack of equipped spaces for them to develop their talents. It is in this challenging context that the local organization Vision of the Good Samaritan developed an innovative project aimed at transforming the lives of young individuals through audiovisual activities.

Under the leadership of Mr. Alloyce Kennedy Odhiambo, Vision of the Good Samaritan has been committed since 2014 to improving the living conditions of children, youth, and women in marginalized communities in Nairobi.

This project directly impacts the lives of 100 young people, half of whom are young girls, and indirectly benefits 400 individuals in the area.

Understanding the challenges facing the youth in Nairobi

The project began with consultation forums for young people in these marginalized neighborhoods, an essential step to identify the difficulties they face. One of the major challenges that emerged is a lack of adequate infrastructure to help young people hone their skills and market their talents. Aware of these issues, local leaders expressed their concerns and called for innovative solutions to support youth in the area. Religious leaders also supported this initiative, recognizing the transformative potential of the creativity of young people.



A project full of hope

The resulting project is designed to give young people in marginalized neighborhoods the opportunity to shine. It includes several key components:

  • Formation des jeunes : l’organisation sélectionne les jeunes et les prépare à une carrière dans l’audiovisuel par le biais d’ateliers axés sur la découverte de soi, le leadership et l’entrepreneuriat.
  • Studio audiovisuel : la création d’un studio audiovisuel permettra aux jeunes de donner vie à leurs créations musicales et visuelles, ouvrant ainsi la voie à la génération de revenus à partir de leurs talents.
  • Engagement actif des jeunes : les jeunes ne sont pas de simples bénéficiaires passifs du projet. Ils contribuent financièrement en versant un coût de location mensuel pour le studio.

The Foundation contributed $25,304 towards the project, which is also supported by The Missionaries of Mariannhill congregation

Other financing sources are ensuring the sustainability of the studio, including contributions from participants, church support, involvement of the local artist network, and access to government scholarships.

An opportunity for the youth of Nairobi

The Vision of the Good Samaritan’s project is a ray of hope for the youth of Nairobi. By investing in training, creating adequate infrastructure, and actively involving participants, it contributes to breaking the cycle of poverty and opening new perspectives. Beyond training, it is an investment in the future of the next generation and the transformation of Nairobi’s slums.

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