Discover our mission statement, our vision and our values.
Together with disadvantaged populations in developing countries, we build more humane and just communities as we manifest the compassion and the Providence of God. We collaborate in empowering them through partnerships and projects that improve their living conditions and their self-sufficiency.
Become a committed partner whose actions of solidarity have a positive and sustainable impact on marginalized and vulnerable populations in developing countries.
We accompany those who suffer in the world. Listening to their needs, we contribute to their spiritual, emotional and physical wellbeing. We act with benevolence to end the causes of poverty.
We recognize the sacred nature of each person, as well as the value and dignity inherent in them. The diversity of our team and its intercultural sensitivity allow us to use our long-standing expertise to find adequate, environmentally conscious and sustainable solutions.
We treat all people fairly, especially in the context where inequalities and exclusion of vulnerable populations persist. We work to establish equality between women and men, to fight discrimination and oppression and to promote justice.
We recognize the interconnectedness and interdependence that unites us to others. We stand with the most vulnerable populations, focusing on mutual aid, cooperation and sharing.